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Creating a new website

To produce a new website, you either can use the corresponding menu item or you can click on the Btn_Clear.jpg button.

The most important property of your website is the layout. Existing layouts can be chosen by a selection box from the folder: Layouts.

Until now, the title for your home page is "new site". You should replace this expression with the name which your home page shall get. The name shown in the tree view on the left, then will change too.

In this tree you can insert further pages for your website. A main page is inserted with the normal Btn_Add.jpg button and with the second Btn_AddSub.jpg button an sub-page is produced. Pages can be moved with the mouse in the tree.

The complete website will be written into the target directory, if you press the Btn_CreateWebSite.jpg button. You can stop this process by pressing Esc. As soon as all pages are written, the first will be opened in your browser.

If you save the new website, you will be asked, whether the paths shall be recalculated. The reason is, that the path of the project is the base for all other - relative - paths in the project. So you should confirm the recaculation.

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