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Minimal Website
HTML from plain text
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The automatic translation of text files into HTML code is limited to textual formats that can be expressed in plain texts in some kind. Typical HTML constructs as links doesn't look very well, neither in the text nor in the generated HTML page. Images cannot appear at all in plain texts.

Minimal Website offers a means to avoid these flaws without changing the text file. You can define a list of expressions which shall be replaced by other expressions in the generatd HTML code. If for example the word TextTransformer shall always be replaced by a link to the TextTransformer homepage, you can set the following row into the table:

Search for ...  Replace by ... 
TextTransformer  <a href="" target="_new">TextTransformer</a> 

There are some dialogs for frequently used HTML constructs.

You can use the place-holder {img} for a URL of the image folder in the image dialog, if you didn't changed or removed it.

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