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De-/Installation > Paths and files


The paths are adapted to those of the Spamihilator automatically.



Program directory


The real plugin, the impfilter.dll, is installed into the sub-directory plugins of the program folder of the Spamihilator. Normally:





Application data directory


The installer writes the project examples, this help and a language file into a subdirectory of the program directory at first

Depending on operating system and a way of the Spamihilator installation they are copied from there at the first call of the plugin into an application data directory of the respective user. The name of such application data directory is formed by appending a version name to the name "impfilter". E.g. for the version 0.7.0 the resulting name is:




These folders have to be deleted by hand at the deinstallation of the IMP filter.


You can find this directory at one of the following places:


1.If Spamihilator has been installed with the option “Separate settings per user account” (recommended, default method):


I. Windows 2000/XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\Spamihilator\plugins\impfilterXXX


II. Windows Vista:



2. If Spamihilator has been installed with the option “Shared settings for all users” (old method) the data aren't copied into an extra folder:

C:\Program Files\Spamihilator\plugins\impfilter


You  have to save changed projects of this folder by hand, before you install an update of the IMP filter.



System directory


The parser interpreter imp_engine.dl and some other dll's, which are commonly used by it and  the TextTransformer are installed in the system folder





Experts might want to know the complete list:








