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Special converters

If you like to convert special text formats to HTML, you can use your own conversion programs. There is the option on the tab-page for the properties of a web page: "using a special converter". If this option is activated, a choice for TextTransformer projects appears.


With TextTransformer you can make conversion programs of your own in a simple way. Minimal Website also was produced with the TextTransformer in essential parts.


The project for the conversion of the text files in HTML "Text2HTML.ttp" is enclosed in the folder "TextTransformer". Although the direct conversion of a text with this project is considerably slower than the execution with the compiled form in the mini_ws.exe. You can adapt the project to your own wishes, however. (You then should set "content" as start rule.) This only has to be recommended to experienced programmers, though.


As an extremely simple example there is the project: "Pre.ttp". It only includes a given text into the tags <pre> and </pre>. So the text can correctly be represented in the original form in every browser.

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